Be bold. STAND OUT. These were words that Hallie lived by. You can be bold and stand out in your school, community, and the world by taking up Hallie's call to change the future.
You can make a difference! Young people like you have the skills, energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and compassion. Good work doesn't have an age requirement. You have the power to make changes, just like Hallie did. Small changes add up to big changes... yoyo-hula-thons, cleaning a park, helping someone cross the street, teaching someone to read, donating to a food pantry. If you can think of it, you can help make a difference.
Making the world a better place happens one person at a time. Are you that person? Learn about how you can be a Hallie's Angel.
A Better World Youth Conference
Saturday, July 13th, 2019 from 10am-3pm
Sunnyside Community Services (43-31 39th St., Sunnyside, NY 11104)
A Better World Festival
Sunday, July 14th, 2019 from 12pm-5pm
Bliss Plaza (46th St & Queens Blvd under the 7 Train, Sunnyside, NY)