"First of all, this is not a 'responsibility.' It's a calling. No one can force you to give your money away to someone. It's not something you must do. But it's something you should do. Why? Because everyone deserves a better life." -Hallie
These are words from Hallie herself. She was 11-and with wisdom beyond her years, she knew that everyone deserves a better life. Hallie saved $398 for African children. Her parents found it in her dresser after she died. That's compassion and generosity.
Given the chance, kids dive into philanthropy because of their natural energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and compassion. And when kids help out, they learn both practical skills and the bigger lessons that service teaches: leadership, team building, kindness-and the powerful (and empowering!) feeling of helping others.*
How can you help?
LOVE, HALLIE encourages young people to join Hallie's Angels and support the causes they care about. In turn, LOVE, HALLIE relies on individuals, foundations, and businesses to provide the funds, materials, and services needed to further its important work.
How to Participate
Help fund LOVE, HALLIE
Make a tax-deductible contribution to help us run and build LOVE, HALLIE.
Give time, goods and services
Can you help LOVE, HALLIE with accounting, legal, word processing, administration, fundraising, event production, publicity, graphics design, audiovisual equipment and operation, or printing? If you have any of these skills and/or services, let us know!
*"Changing the Face of Giving" Youth Leadership Institute. The James Irvine Foundation, 2001.
LOVE, HALLIE is a 501(c) (3) Public Charity. To learn more about the foundation, go to Guidestar.org