Join Our Team - Dare to be bold and make a positive impact as a part of Hallie's Angels. Join Now From Hallie's Angels 'A mosquito net seems like a small thing that can make a big difference to help fight malaria! - Kari, Bethlehem River Glove, IL - Hallie's Angels Hallie Geier - Learn More

Love, Hallie Programs

Ways to participate in LOVE, HALLIE

LOVE, HALLIE offers many programs that help promote service to others.


A Better World

An annual two-day youth-centered event aimed at engaging young people in causes, strengthening nonprofits, and amplifying the stories of both, and building towards permanent online and physical spaces.

Hallie’s Angels

The youth-led action division of LOVE, HALLIE that helps young people engage in the causes they care about, and showcases the power of youth activism.

Carpe Diem

The story and legacy of Hallie Geier’s life, death, and the aftermath told to inspire empathy and kindness-rooted civic engagement through videos, books, songs, social media, and live performances.

Love & Music

A new initiative joining the missions and programs of Music for Africa and LOVE, HALLIE to provide youth in marginalized and subsistence-level communities with music education and youth-action activities to increase their skill levels, self-esteem, determination, ambition, motivation, career and employment prospects, cultural understanding, and connections with peers in other countries.



This special event, in New York City, inspired kindness, respect, and positive action to strengthen communities and the world. The first Halliestocks were declared "Kindness Days" by the New York City Council. The third Halliestock was held in 2008. Read more

The Children of Agape

A talented group of orphaned, impoverished South African young people who first traveled to the United States in 2005. The Children of Agape captured the hearts and spirits of their audiences, singing, dancing, and supporting the campaign against the No. 1 killer of African children: malaria.